Workflows vs. Systems: What’s the Difference?

Business Management

Workflows vs. Systems: What’s the Difference?


Heather Pranitis

Workflows vs. Systems: What’s the Difference?

We know that workflows are vital to a successful business. They’re what keep us on track and ensure we complete each step necessary in our business, whether that involves a product, service, course or something else.

But there’s a lot of talk in the online space about systems too. So what gives? How do you know whether to use a workflow or a system to help keep your business on track?

The reality is, you need both.

Your workflows tell you what it is you need to do. Your systems are the vehicle to keep you on track.

So while your workflow might be a list of tasks, forms and deadlines for you and your client, the systems are where the work actually gets done. Systems are the programs and tools you use to assign the tasks and complete the work.

And together, your systems and workflows set you up for success.

Save Time

You want more time in your day, but you’re constantly having to backtrack to make sure you’re completing all the steps in your projects. When you get your workflow out of your head and down into an effective online system, you stop the endless cycle of, Did I sent that email yet? and Am I waiting on the client for something or are they waiting for me? Which saves you from hunting down old emails or checking your notes multiple times.

Give Your Clients a Better Experience

When your workflows and systems work together, your client is well-informed and knows exactly what the next step in his project is. And when you choose the right system to house that workflow, he can easily access the tools and resources he needs. Next week, we’ll talk more about the best systems for different tasks. But for now, think about what you’re using and whether it’s an effective way to complete each step of your workflows.

Make Onboarding New Contractors and Employees Easier

If you’ve ever hired someone to help you in your business, you know that it’s hard to let go of certain tasks. After all, you’ve built your business from the ground up and your livelihood relies on its success. But when you have workflows in place–and the systems to keep those workflows on track–you have a clear outline of what’s expected at each stage of the process. Your new team members can be more efficient and you can rest easy knowing that they didn’t forget a step because it’s all laid out already. Plus, you can all work virtually from the same to-do list in real time, saving you from having to ask them if they’ve finished a task yet (because you can look in the system yourself to find out!).

So while you do need workflows, adding systems to the mix is a must. They work together throughout the life of your business so you can continue to grow and evolve as a business and a business owner.

To get started, grab my Bookkeeping Routine Checklist below.


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