No, you can’t just say “fine.”

How are your numbers doing?

Let’s be honest with each other.

There’s no shame in needing a little cleanup.

When you have more money coming in, you have more money to waste.

We can keep your books for you as you grow, or we can give you confidence you’re doing it right— either way, we’ll help you track every dollar.

Done-For-You Bookkeeping

Monthly bookkeeping and business advising

As your business grows, so does your income … right? Many business owners never see the revenue-to-salary payoff because they haven’t made the necessary financial changes as they’ve grown. 

Our done-for-you online bookkeeping services pair with our business advising services in one neat package, keeping your monthly books pristine while also providing you with the strategy and direction needed to make pivotal changes for the health of your business.


This is for you if …

You’re ready for CFO-level advice (without the CFO sticker price)

Your business is seeing consistent 5-figure months

You want more than a bookkeeper—you also want a partner to help you to the next level of success




Nerd Out Session

One-hour 1:1 strategy call

Gain clarity on your numbers and what they mean

If you’ve ever sat at your computer tap-tapping on the little number keyboard, throwing some Angela-from-The Office side-eye while wishing someone could just tell you if you’re doing everything correctly … or how to allocate for spending, saving, and taxes … or when to quit your 9-to-5 … or how much you can afford to invest in your next hire … this option is for you.

You’ll get 60 minutes of dedicated time with Heather, our Chief Number Nerd, to talk personalized strategy for your business.


This is for you if …

You need to walk through your pricing structure with an unbiased expert

You want strategic support, but you’re not ready for CFO-level services

You want to be confident looking at your numbers and understanding what they mean




Number Nerd Bookkeeping Academy

Learn our 20-minutes-per-month bookkeeping system

Feel confident handling your books on your own

In our signature course, we walk you through setting up your bookkeeping system and implementing workflows that keep your books up-to-date throughout the year. 

Once that’s done, you’ll have a firm foundation for understanding the financial health of your business—and you’ll be able to make informed decisions about your pricing, offer ladder, investments, and more. 


This is for you if …

You’ve ever said, “My books are a mess” or “I don’t know where to start!”

You’re not ready for done-for-you services

You want to make strategic decisions like the CEO you are




If these challenges sound familiar …

“Making sure I stick to the budget.”

“Pricing high enough that I actually make money, but low enough the client will work with me.”

“Underestimating my value with clients.”

“Acquiring enough clients for decent income.”

“Tracking workflows and ensuring that everything is billed.”

… it’s time to quit the guessing games.

“The financial side of my business was a mess before taking this course. I avoided looking at my numbers because I was afraid of what I would find and thought it was too complicated to figure out. 

This program helped me make sense of my numbers and set prices that put me on the right track for business growth.

Elli | Founder

Having the numbers right in front of me gave me the confidence to raise my prices to finally start making a profit. My revenue and profit have only continued to grow from there.” 

We talk a lot about pricing appropriately, but …

… we also want to make sure you don’t leave empty-handed.

Head over to our blog for some free & easy-to-apply tips on handling your business financials (and when to ask for more help).