What It’s Like To Work With A Consultant

Business Management

What It’s Like To Work With A Consultant


Heather Pranitis

What It’s Like To Work With A ConsultantThere’s a big difference between coaching and consulting, and both are vitally important to the success of your business–no matter what stage you’re in.

A coach is a good investment when you’re looking to jump a mindset or business hurdle, like getting to the next income bracket or overcoming a challenge with pricing your services. They’re often certified in coaching and work with businesses across a wide range of industries. A coach will talk you through decisions and then help you come to an outcome that feels right for you.

But a consultant is different. They’re still a good support system in your business, but they’re truly an expert in their industry. A consultant has had measured success in what they do and can look at your business and really analyze the steps you need to take to meet the goals you want to reach.

A consultant isn’t going to help you decide what feels good. A consultant is going to tell you what you need to do to get where you want to go. It’s more strategic and it’s more definitive.

[bctt tweet=”A consultant isn’t going to help you decide what feels good, they’re going to tell you what you need to do.” username=”NNBSolutions”]

If you’re feeling stuck in your business because you’re not reaching the goals you defined for yourself, you may need to invest in a consultant. Especially if you want to be in a growth phase of your business.

What should you look for when hiring a consultant?

Accounting and bookkeeping consultants come in all shapes and sizes, just like any business owner. I recommend doing your research to find a few consultants that resonate with you, then getting on the phone or Zoom with them to make sure that you have a camaraderie with them. The consultant you hire should have documented experience in reaching goals similar to what you’d like to do.

[bctt tweet=”Any consultant you hire should have documented experience in reaching goals similar to what you want to do.” username=”NNBSolutions”]

Aren’t consultants my direct competition?

It’s true that consultants should have expertise in your field and in the specific goals you want to reach, but that doesn’t make them your competition. Many consultants are no longer practicing in their industry, preferring instead to help others get on their feet. And those who do still work in the industry tend to work with higher-end clients who you likely won’t pursue. Either way, you should be careful that the consultant you hire have a confidentiality agreement and non-compete clause in their contract.

What if I don’t want to do what my consultant recommends?

Of course, your business is yours to do with what you’d like. But candidly, you hired the consultant for a reason. And consultants aren’t cheap. If you’re morally or professionally opposed to the consultant’s recommendations, have a conversation about it and see if something else fits better for your business. Remember, too, that you’ll want to do a lot of research on your prospective consultant before plunking down money on a large consultation package.

What resources will a consultant bring me, aside from ideas?

Since consultants have been in their fields for many years, many have systems and workflows they’ll help you implement in your business. Personally, I have a Business Workflow Template Shop and I often share these templates with my consulting clients–so they can quickly and effectively implement the strategies I recommend.


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