5 Features of Using The Best Accounting Software That Will Make You Money

Bookkeeping Tips

5 Features of Using The Best Accounting Software That Will Make You Money


Heather Pranitis

5 Features of Using The Best Accounting Software That Will Make You Money

You know as well as I do how helpful QuickBooks Online is in terms of keeping your books organized, but lots of users don’t know how to use it to its full potential to help you save time so you make more money.

In this post, I’m revealing the five best features of QuickBooks Online that will help you increase productivity, stay on top of your money and ultimately help you grow your business.  

So How Does QuickBooks Online Help Me Make More Money?

Well first and foremost – by saving you time. Valuable time that you can spend on other things like generating new leads, serving clients and the other million things you have going on with your business.

Additionally, all too often people use their bank balance as a measure of how well they’re doing. Big mistake – that’s only a tiny part of the picture. QuickBooks Online allows you to get a legit comprehensive overview of it ALL…from money coming in, to money going out, to breakdowns of your expenses, with as much or as little detail as you need. 

When you can see those details with the click of a button rather than having to sift through spreadsheets, go to your bank and run the numbers yourself, you are not only getting the most accurate picture of your business’ finances but you’re gaining back priceless time. 

As an added bonus, you can also use QuickBooks Online to see what products or services are generating you the most revenue so you can focus on those money-makers and cut the things from your business that just aren’t giving you the big returns.  

What Are The Unique Features That I Need To Know About?

QuickBooks Online has so many features and they are always adding more. But there are five big ones that I think anyone using this program should be using.

  1. Connecting your bank and credit card accounts and creating rules 

By doing this you can automatically categorize your revenue and expenses. Imagine being able to categorize hundreds or even thousands of transactions in just a couple of minutes and then not having to think about it again unless you have to change up a rule…game-changing. 

  1. Invoice automation + merchant processing

When you use this feature, QuickBooks Online automatically applies payments to your invoices and makes the deposit in the accounting system for you. No more worrying about having to manually match up payments with invoices. 

  1. Receipt tracking

This is such a great one. Sick of hunting through your bag or car at the end of the day, trying to find your receipts? Using the mobile app, you can take a picture of a receipt and categorize it in real-time while you’re on the go.

  1. Reports

At any point in time with the click of a button you are able to run a report that reflects how you are doing. There are many reports to choose from! Let alone how easy it is to print your reports at tax time. You’ll save so much time and your tax professional will be a lot happier too!

  1. Trackers

You can track everything with QuickBooks Online – from your revenues, expenses, debts, mileage, receipts, project profitability, to even your or your employees’ time. QuickBooks Online makes it easy for you to always have a clear idea of where your resources are going and what is making you money. 

These are just a few…I could go on and on but you get the idea.

So In Closing…

There are tons of great features that QuickBooks Online offers its users and they’re adding more all the time. By using the above five you are going to save time, stay organized, make more money and have a clearer picture of how your business is doing with just a few clicks of a button. 

I get emails from clients all the time saying that once they’ve spent the initial time setting up their account, running their reports is so quick and easy that they’re afraid they’ve done it wrong. Spoiler – they haven’t. 

These tools are quick and easy to use and can help your business run more efficiently today.  

Click here to get started using QuickBooks Online and automating your business now!

Number Nerd Bookkeeping Solutions is a Member of the QuickBooks® Business Affiliate Program.


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