How To Get Started With Bookkeeping Online

Bookkeeping Tips

How To Get Started With Bookkeeping Online


Heather Pranitis

How To Get Started With Bookkeeping Online

So you’ve started a business (awesome!) and now you need to do the…sigh…accounting. I  know it can be daunting figuring out what program to use, the things you need before even getting started, and then how to set up your software. In this blog post, I’m going to tell you why I love QuickBooks Online as an accounting program for small businesses and what you need to do to get going with it. Ready to dive in? 

Why QuickBooks Versus All The Others?

Often I hear from business owners that they think QuickBooks is too much for them – they don’t need all the bells and whistles, and go with a simpler software, or a free program. And then they get their feet wet with it, and realize that they actually do need a more robust program that can give them more options.

That’s where QuickBooks comes in. It’s a robust platform that you can grow into. 

It flows with your business as it evolves and can be adjusted to suit your needs. It’s got three different models – Simple Start, Essentials and Plus. I always recommend people start with an Essentials trial, but more on that later. 

The last thing you want to do is get a software, get it set up, use it and then outgrow it. Switching platforms is a LOT of work and if you don’t do it correctly, you can make a real mess of your books. 

What Do I Need In Place Before Signing Up For QuickBooks Online?

Well…to start off, a business idea – but you knew that already! Next step is getting into that business mindset. I know doing something new like setting up a business and handling the numbers can be scary…but you got this. 

Once you’ve got your brilliant idea and your boss mindset, you need somewhere to put that money you’re going to make (and spend). 

A checking account – ideally a business checking account that is separate from your personal finances. A business savings account and credit card are also great to have but I know sometimes those aren’t options for new start-ups. But a “separate” checking account is a must. 

I know learning QuickBooks Online is intimidating for many, but it’s all about the mindset and your confidence. 

As business owners, we are constantly evolving and learning new skills – and learning to use QuickBooks Online is no different. You can do this by being open and willing to put in the time to learn this program. 

I know it can be discouraging if you feel like you don’t get something right away, but remember that anything new takes time to master and get really comfortable doing. 

Nothing is impossible. You got this! 

So I Have My Checking Account…Now What?

Go check out the QuickBooks website and do one of their free trials. They have three options to choose from – Simple Start, Essentials and Plus. I always recommend people start with Essentials because it gives you a great overview of what QuickBooks can do for your business as it grows, without being overwhelming. 

Once you download your trial, you will be prompted to choose what you need the software to do for you, pick your industry and it will personalize a program for you. And don’t worry – if your needs change down the road it is so easy to update your preferences. 

Then you’ll connect your bank account to the program so you get a clear overview of money going in and out.

Next step, you’ll categorize your expenses…think separating out things like overhead, wages, administrative costs and legal fees into their own little buckets so you see where you’re spending your money.  

I know it seems like a lot, but honestly, don’t overthink it, using QuickBooks Online is not nearly as tough as people think. This is a tool meant to help business owners just like you.

So to recap you’re going to…

  1. Formulate your brilliant business idea 
  2. Get that bank account so you have a place to put the money you’re about to start making (and pay your expenses from)
  3. Take a look at QuickBooks Online so you can see how easy it is to help you streamline your numbers and grow your business 

At The End of The Day…

There are tons of accounting programs out there and you need to find the one that is going to work best for you. I am a big believer in QuickBooks Online because you can tailor it to your business as it grows and changes. Have an open mindset when it comes to accounting software and be willing to learn. 

As much as I love QuickBooks Online, you also have to do your own research. Figure out what your business needs are and what your goals are for down the road, so you end up with software that serves you now and into the future. 

Click here to get started using QuickBooks Online so your numbers are easy as pie.

Number Nerd Bookkeeping Solutions is a Member of the QuickBooks® Business Affiliate Program.


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