Amidst a flurry of posts about year-end reflections, holiday hacks and new year’s resolutions, I thought I’d christen the Number Nerds blog with something a little different.
Because you’re already thinking about all the things you’d like to focus on in 2016, the good habits you’ll develop and foods you’ll avoid. You certainly don’t need me adding to your overwhelm with a Year End Bookkeeping Checklist or How to Better Manage Your Finances in 2016 blog post. Obviously others have got this covered.
Instead, I want to suggest an alternative resolution.
A resolution to relax. To enjoy the time you have with your loved ones this holiday season. To approach the new year with a sense of peace that you are, in fact, enough.
Where is this coming from? Truthfully, I learned a lesson this year. Courtesy of Ash Ambirge, a woman who knows she is enough and isn’t afraid to tell those pushing self improvement products where to shove it.
The lesson was this: I don’t have to be good at everything. And if I tried to be, I would be doing my already awesome self a disservice.
Because becoming a Jill-of-all trades is code for “I’m not great at anything so I’m going to settle for being mediocre at everything.” And frankly, I’m reeeeeally great with numbers. Like, really.
So here is my holiday challenge for you. My new year’s recommendation, if you will.
Don’t tell yourself you’ll use those “vacation” days this holiday season to balance your books, sort your receipts, or prep your taxes.
Commit that precious time to something you enjoy. Then, when the new year comes, give me a call. Because numbers don’t stress me out. Managing finances is my middle name.
Actually it’s Ann, but that’s the sort of thing you can find on my About Me page.
Now, if you’re a planner — the type who uses coupons before they expire and cooks all your meals on Sunday — drop me a line or read about my services. We’ll arrange a consultation so you can rest easy this holiday season.