What is a Number Nerd Review?

Business Management

What is a Number Nerd Review?


Heather Pranitis

What is a Number Nerd Review?

With summer in full swing, you probably are not even thinking of year end. But, there are only four months left in the year and it is the perfect time to make sure your books are on track!

I can’t tell you how many conversations start with, “Help! My books are screwed up!”. The first thing I always recommend is my “Number Nerd Review”. The Number Nerd Review is an 18-point checklist that I use to review your books from beginning to end, ensuring everything is set-up properly, and pinpointing your problem areas. 

Don’t Wait Until Your Books are a Mess

You don’t need to wait until your books are completely messed up books in order to benefit from a Number Nerd Review. There are plenty of other warning signs and red flags along the way that should alert you that it is time to get a second opinion.

Top 10 Signs You Need a Number Nerd Review:

If the following situations sound familiar, it is likely that you would benefit from a Number Nerd Review:

  1. You have no idea how much you money you make.
  2. You’re not 100% confidence in your bookkeeping skills…or your bookkeeper!
  3. Your bank balance and QuickBooks balance do not match.
  4. You are manually recording and coding transactions.
  5. You don’t have any bank rules to automatically code your transactions.
  6. You have negative accounts.
  7. You mess something up in your bank reconciliation and can’t find the undo button.
  8. You are not using the undeposited funds feature in QuickBooks.
  9. Something is wrong with your accounting file, and you’re not sure why.
  10. You need training on how-to use your accounting software.

What happens after the review?

After our review, Number Nerd Bookkeeping will prepare a detailed outline of problem areas within your books. From there, we offer multiple options for fixing the identified problems. Sometimes our clients prefer for us to provide training and consult them on how to fix the problems themselves. Other times, clients prefer a more hands-on approach; they hire us to cleanup the mess and completely take over their bookkeeping needs from that point forward. Bottom line – from cleanup, to training, to email support, to monthly bookkeeping, we will provide as much or as little guidance as you need to ensure your success and clean up your books!  

As a bonus, we always include a workflow review with our Number Nerd Review. We evaluate your current workflow process and identify time-saving adjustments!

Ready to get started? Complete Number Nerd’s questionnaire and schedule your initial consultation today! We’d love to help you enter year end with confidence that your books are in order!


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