Most of us get into business because we have a desire to grow and learn, to be on the cutting edge of something new and be able to act on it.
One of the great things about having a j-o-b is that the business will help you stay on top of your craft through education and conferences. But when go out on your own, it’s up to you to make sure you’re on top of things.
I think it’s our responsibility as business owners to continually want to grow and learn. We owe it to our clients to know the trends in what we’re doing, to learn about policies and new developments and tools that can help us do our jobs better.
Unfortunately, education doesn’t come without a price tag. Education and innovation costs both time and money. But it doesn’t have to break the bank, as long as you’re smart about it.
Here’s how to stay on the cutting edge of your industry if your budget is limited, or if you just want to invest right.
Follow your favorite experts.
So many experts give away free content that can help to keep you informed and educated. Get on their email lists, grab their freebies, read their blogs and follow them on their social media platforms. You’ll gain so much valuable information just from all the free content out there. And that means you only have to budget the time–not the finances–to learn something new.
Invest selectively.
When you’re ready to go further, make educated investments that will help you accomplish specific goals and reach milestones. By first following experts online, you’re finding out exactly what they offer and how they deliver information so you know if you’re attracted to their personality and teaching style.
From there, you can decide who has the programs and courses that you’ll follow through on. Because signing up for a course is pretty pointless if you’re not going to finish it.
You do you.
Be careful about jumping on bandwagons and making changes in your business (or joining a program) just because “everyone else” seems to be doing it. Everyone’s businesses are different and it’s important to stay true to who you are and what your business goals are.
Buy into courses, masterminds and memberships that align directly with your goals. If you’re unsure whether the investment is sound, save the link and sleep on it. Take the time to make sure it’s right for you, not just the masses.
I’ve made several big investments in learning more about my industry and business ownership in general. But before I head to the checkout each time, I always weigh the pros and cons of the purchase. While being selective and doing my homework isn’t a fail-safe, it’s made me more aware of what I’m purchasing and helped me to avoid costly mistakes. Because costly mistakes are great learning lessons, but they’re not really helpful when you’re trying to grow a business.