Know Your Strengths and Where You Need Help

Business Management

Know Your Strengths and Where You Need Help


Heather Pranitis

Know Your Strengths and Where You Need Help

Money is tough to talk about, to your business coach, to your bookkeeper and even with your significant other. It’s a trigger in many marriages and can make or break a business.

That said, it’s frustrating to talk to business owners who struggle with numbers and balancing their business budgets—but who tell me that their business coach doesn’t want them to hire a bookkeeper.

Here’s the thing. There’s a lot of things I’m not good at. Managing my inbox, for one. Writing, for another. And because of that, I hire help. I know that I can’t do it alone and that if I want to be successful I need someone to show me how it’s done or do it for me.

For example, I can’t cook. At all. I’ve tried to grill up some chicken or throw together a Crock Pot casserole and I fail miserably every time. Not only that, but I dislike even trying. My boyfriend travels a lot for business so when he leaves town, I can count on him to leave me a refrigerator full of some of my favorite meals. Yep, he’s a great partner. But he also knows my weaknesses and is there to help me out.

That’s what it’s like in business. We can’t do it all ourselves; we need help. That’s what community is all about.

Money is one of the top areas where entrepreneurs struggle.

From pricing services to balancing the books, paying out taxes to reconciling accounts. If you struggle with it, doesn’t it make sense to get the help you need so you can rest assured that your business is staying profitable?

Think about getting your finances together for taxes.

How’s that going? If you’re struggling with reconciling last year’s bank statements and can’t remember what some of your receipts are for, you need a system or you need a bookkeeper.

I’m not saying that you can’t manage your books yourself—likely, you can. But it might take someone walking you through some best practices so you can get on the right track and get a good system in place. So next year, come tax time, you have all your paperwork together and in one place. And you don’t have to remember what that credit card charge was for last June.

If you have the slightest bit of queasiness when it comes to numbers or balancing your books, please talk to a numbers professional. Think of it like your health care. You’re not going to see a dentist about delivering your baby; you’re going to see an obstetrician. Your dentist might tell you that it’s important to take care of your gums during your pregnancy, just like your business coach might tell you that it’s important to keep tabs on your numbers. But talk to a bookkeeper about the best way to make sure your books are in the best health possible.


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