Am I Ready for a Bookkeeper?

Bookkeeping Tips

Am I Ready for a Bookkeeper?


Heather Pranitis

Am I Ready for a Bookkeeper?

This is usually the time of year when we’re ready to start fresh and new on January 1. We make resolutions that things will be different next year.

I’ll get organized so I don’t have to spend two days getting my books together for taxes.

I’ll get all my bookkeeping set up online.

I won’t dread paying or creating invoices next year because I’ll have a system in place.

Sound familiar? I hear these resolutions every day, but it can be difficult to get started on your own. That’s where a bookkeeper comes in. Whether you want to keep your books yourself or are ready to bring on a team member to take care of it for you, a bookkeeper can help.

I want to do it myself.

Yes, even if you want to stay involved in the day-to-day management of your books, a bookkeeper can help. She can figure out the best management system for you, help you set it up, teach you how to use it and be available for questions down the road. Hiring a bookkeeper doesn’t mean that you have to be hands-off with your finances. It means that you have a team member who’s there to help you through it all. Being a business owner can get lonely, but it doesn’t have to be.

I have no idea where to begin.

If you’ve never owned a business, figuring out all the rules and best practices for bookkeeping can be a challenge. Especially if you’ve never been diligent with your personal finances. Which is the best software to use? What’s the best system for paying invoices? How do I track invoices that haven’t been paid? What can I deduct come tax time?

A bookkeeper can help set up systems for you, and she’ll do the research to figure out which bookkeeping program will work best for your business model.

I know I don’t know what I don’t know.

Look at that again: You don’t know what you don’t know. That’s true with everything in life. When you first moved out of your parents’ house, did you know what bills and “adulting” you’d have to do? If you’ve ever moved across the country, did you have a clue what your new neighborhood was really like before you moved in?

There are parts of bookkeeping that are a mystery, unless you have a good amount of experience or training in the field. And doing all the research isn’t feasible for many who run their own businesses. It’s time-consuming and frustrating. And you may not even know that they’re something you’re missing. A bookkeeper does know. And will make sure you do, too.

If you’re still on the fence about hiring a bookkeeper, or want to explore other options, I encourage you to reach out. Complete my questionnaire and schedule a call with me to see if we’d be a good fit!


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