Behind-the-Scenes of the Number Nerd Bookkeeping Academy

Business Management

Behind-the-Scenes of the Number Nerd Bookkeeping Academy


Heather Pranitis

Behind-the-Scenes of the Number Nerd Bookkeeping Academy

The Number Nerd Bookkeeping Academy is Opening…

As a self-proclaimed number nerd, I have a passion for business and helping business owners master their books, which is why I started the Number Nerd Bookkeeping Academy. I believe that business owners who have a solid understanding and awareness of their numbers and what they mean have a WAY better chance of succeeding.

In this blog post, I am giving you a behind-the-scenes look at everything I’m including in the academy in order to set you the CEO up for success. 

I’m talking….

  • Why entrepreneurs should join the bookkeeping academy
  • What’s in the bookkeeping academy
  • What you’ll do in the first few weeks in the academy 
  • What you’ll do monthly  
  • How it will help you grow your business and master your books 

Want to learn more? Then keep reading, biz whiz.

Why Join the Number Nerd Bookkeeping Academy?

Well for starters, if you want to have the confidence to make informed financial decisions that help you grow your business and ditch your number fear, then you should join. 

I set up the academy to help business owners like you do just that, and more. It will help you set up and manage your bookkeeping system so you know where your money is coming from, going to, how to identify problems and seize new opportunities. 

What Will You Do in the Number Nerd Bookkeeping Academy?

In your first few weeks, you’ll start by going through the videos I’ve put together for the academy. You can do it at your own pace but it will give you a solid base of knowledge for when you start diving into the rest of the content. 

After you get through the videos, then it’s on to the real work (don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds). Again, this program is totally self-paced but there are live working groups every month that you can join to ask questions if you get stuck, and have a solid routine to keep your bookkeeping up-to-date. 

These working groups will bring academy members together to get through their bookkeeping so that you have a set time to do your bookkeeping each month. Plus, you get support from me ‘cause I’m in the group too!

There’ll also be breakout sessions during the live sessions with me, so you can ask me anything that you might not feel like sharing with the group. 

Monthly working groups like this are so helpful because they keep you up-to-date on your books, build good habits and let you learn from other business owners. Triple win!

Sounds Good…But What’s Included?

This one-year membership includes everything you need to set up an easy-to-use, sustainable bookkeeping system for your business. 

When you sign up for the academy, you’ll start off doing a quiz so we can see just where you’re at in terms of knowledge and what your bookkeeping needs are. 

After that, you’re getting access to a series of QuickBooks®️ Online tutorial(s) so you can get set up right from the beginning.

Then, you’ll go over bookkeeping fundamentals that set the foundation for your bookkeeping success.  

Attend the live working sessions to get your bookkeeping maintenance on point and get any questions answered. These sessions will also include how to read and understand your financial reports. The additional support inside the academy includes the ability to answer questions at any time, easy-to-follow video tutorial(s), weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual checklists, quarterly workshops….and tons more. 

There’s also things like Q+A sessions with me and the quarterly workshops will cover things from budgets to pricing for profit. Whew! 

How Will It Grow Your Business?

When you sign up for the academy, you’re going to quit waiting until the end of the year to do your bookkeeping! No more mad dash at the end of the year to get it all done, which often leads to things getting missed. You’ll be all caught up on your bookkeeping each month—and you have the systems and workflows in place to stay caught up. 

You’re going to learn to understand where your money is coming from and where it’s going so you can make the right decisions for your business and confidently plan for the future. Knowing your books will empower you as a CEO to up-level your business – plain and simple. The transformation you go through will be eye-opening and amazing!

So in closing….

You might have no clue about what your numbers are or what they mean right now. Maybe numbers and money evoke feelings like angst, overwhelm, fear, frustration, and shame. 

I get it, but there is help out there. When you have a solid system for doing your bookkeeping correctly, you also gain powerful data to help make strategic business decisions in your business, such as: 

  • How much you need to work to reach your financial goals
  • Understanding your budget and being able to plan for your business investments 
  • Pricing your offers to support your personal and business goals
  • And so much more!

Knowledge is power, and knowing your numbers is an important part of running a successful and fulfilling business. 

The Number Nerd Bookkeeping Academy will have you mastering your books and help guide you to having a solid foundation of financial knowledge. Learn more about the Academy here!


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